The Most Dangerous Viruses and Ways to Protect From Viruses
The Most Dangerous Viruses and Ways to Protect From Viruses
The number of deaths due to the new type of corona virus 2019-nCoV has reached 1018. According to the data of the World Health Organization, the number of cases exceeded 43 thousand. The most dangerous viruses and ways...
About People Who Smoke
As Pufai International Plastic and Paper Products; we are manufacturing disposable cigarette filters, cleaning wipes, nasal strips and printing paper since 1999. As of today, we are promoting our products about 40 countries worldwide. Today, we would like to tell something about smoking in the world. About 1 bilion people is smoking...
Cigarette Filters Really Reduce Damages of Smoking?
Does The Use Of Filtered Mouth-Pieces Reduce the Nicotin Exposure in Smoking People? SUMMARY Smoking the tobacco leaves in cigarette, pipe or cigar results in the absorption and metabolization of nicotine. The mean metabolite of nicotine is cotinine. It is widely know that there is a relationship between smoking and...